Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'll Hate Werewolves A Little Less Today

So what's the first thing you notice about musically inclined sisters Sierra and Bianca Casady?
Is the the weird clothes? The hip-yet-odd pictures? The fact that if you didn't know they were sisters you'd think they were a lesbian couple? Maybe it was the stache... 
was it that they're theatrical in the most absurdly casual way? 

Well what you should notice, is that these pictures, actually- the entire CocoRosie image is perfectly intertwined with their sound;
hip freak-folk tunes, the you might hear while browsing the racks at American Apparel or Urban Outfitters, 

while some how still being unique.

The song I'm posting today is quite old, but for some reason has still been trending all over my Facebook feed, and if you were wondering where they got their beautiful, natural and strong features, it's probably the fact that they're half Cherokee- and gorgeous.  

Listen to Werewolf 
Sorry I couldn't find an official video

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Songs of the week

I find far too often, as a member of our constantly changing society that our civilizations obsession with speed and updates has greatly impacted my ability to love a song. It has become so easy to put music out there (hell even I do it) for everyone to hear that we either get wrapped up in a pile of main stream Top 40 songs, or pushed under the rug with our underground groups that we oh so hiply discovered first (along with about 2 million other people).

However, despite my cynicism and regardless of your particular genre of choice- these are the songs I'm obsessed with this week

                                                        KENDRICK LAMAR- A.D.H.D

Lamar is the buzz on everyone in the rap worlds mind, of course any one who sits court side with 
Dr. Dre gets a little media coverage, but Lamar doesn't spit out your typical "angry at the world, but watch me get at this bitch" lines, he puts a little more thought beyond the rhymes, women, and drugs (apparently he doesn't smoke weed despite the rasp in his voice that sounds like he just took a massive hit and came out with a prolific statement).

So a few months ago I came across a name in the record store I hadn't seen since the early 2000's.
Yes, that Liz Phair.
(Wouldn't have known she wasn't just a one-hit wonder if I had been born before '92 Liz Phair)
I innocently had asked my parents for the album with Why Can't I when I was young, unknowningly requesting a far dirtier than I had realized gift from my Mother, and since she's my Mom, and not some lame parent who read the explicit warning and stunted my creative growth-she spawned my interest in awkwardly bold girl rock. 
I'm in love with the Exile In Guyville 15th anniversary re-release album, the packaging is great and really worthy of a whole post on it's own, not only did it come with 3 vinyls, there was a CD, not just a one time only mp3 download that doesn't even work. (thank you she wants revenge) 
so without further delay, here's my favorite song off the album, which you can buy by clicking here

Last but not least, the artist I'm most obsessed with all the time...

yeah, at least I admit my egotism. Lately I've been experimenting with GarageBand, but the thing with that is I'm no good with a camera so the songs with multiple tracks that are just mp3's sitting in my hard drive right now don't have videos, so they're not on YouTube just yet
Check me out any way, this song is called Humingbird Heart and like the majority of my other songs it was inspired by some douchey former lover.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Best Grammy Attending Artists You Probably Didn't Know About

So there I was, propped up in bed Sunday night... not watching the Grammys. I have made it a horrible habit to never watch any awards show ever since the Taylor/Kanye incident. This is mostly because I'm pretty sure no amount of sugary sweet Katy Perry angrily dancing in flames just days after the singer un-followed her soon to be ex hubby on Twitter will ever hold my interest, take my breath away and COMPLETELY trip me the hell out like that particular moment in VMA history did. I was one of the millions watching as Kanye hopped on stage with all the eagerness of a child going to tell the sitter that the other child cheated at gold fish, when we all know he simply lost fair and square... and ever since that fateful award show disaster I am pretty sure no amount of "unscripted" comedy will ever shock me again. However, Kanye is not the point today, and the VMA's weren't even on last night... but the Grammys were, and I was not watching, but I was reading what the stars were wearing on this website. (who wouldn't after laying eyes on Nicki Minaj's red get up and interesting performance last night?)

Introducing Mama Minaj Brand Ketchup

Yet, while I was conducting my search I realized, there were more stars who's names I did not know, than stars who I recognized, and while some of them looked beautiful, I didn't know how to feel about my recent discovery... which of course led to what else but more google searches. 
The first starlet I stumbled was Diane Warren
Maybe the reason I didn't recognize this Grammy, Academy Award and Golden Globe winner is because this talented woman is a songwriter. She wrote the ever popular lyrics to Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me" and has composed for shows like Pokemon, Sex and the City, and Osmosis Jones.
The next interesting find was that of Linda Chorney, who was relatively unknown before her nomination this year, but thanks to the wonderful advances of social networking the 51 year old singer/songwriter gained enough popularity to get noticed and nominated for "Best Americana Album"  
I only hope I look this good when Im 51

The best part about this amazing story, is that she's actually really good. While some critics are raising their chins and scoffing, saying the affair is "diluting the integrity" of the Grammys, I can't help but sit back and laugh. As a student/artist planning on going into the Entertainment Marketing business where social media skills can make or break you, Chorney's case is inspiring. 

So if you're still with me here, and your eyes aren't bleeding from how long winded this entry is becoming, I think it's time to introduce Porcelain Black
who looked absolutely stunning by the way

Now Miss Black wasn't nominated for anything her self, but a quick wiki check tells us that she recently released a song featuring Lil' Wayne. Personally, I'm not crazy about the song, but I do like the video and hey maybe she's just another not-so-talented-singer shouting on the airwaves and releasing a song with Lil' Wayne for street cred... but she is really hot, and her website is worth checking out, plus Weezy's part of the song isn't so bad. 

Last but not least, and the only male I added to this list is Cameron Ernst
oh the young and eager

Cameron is an emerging artist who took part in the Hitlab Emerging Artists competition and was the Runner-Up, behind Winner Tara Keith. Cameron's music isn't just music though, it comes with a message; that bullying needs to be stopped and "Love is Louder", he is currently touring High Schools and Middle Schools spreading his message and doing his part to end bullying.

Thanks for reading guys... I'm suddenly realizing I maybe should have watched the Grammys last night...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grandfathers Music Suggestion

Unlike many nineteen year olds, when my Grandfather offers his musical opinion, I listen, so when he pulled me aside at a family get together to inform me of his latest discovery I was excited to learn it was that of London based folk artist Laura Marling. Her most recent album dropped on my birthday last year September 12, 2011, titled "A Creature I Don't Know". The songs draw from heavy folk influences, and the sound is comparable to Joni Mitchell, one could call it fresh yet nostalgic, there is a pinch of familiarity about the songs and the quality of her strong but flighty voice, however while they are familiar, the songs are not trite. Of course, after a brief YouTube excursion it was clear I needed to make a trip to my local record store and purchase the LP- I have to say I have no complaints about my purchase, but I am faintly disappointed because my favorite song of hers is on the "My Manic and I EP" and titled New Romantic, but it has mysteriously vanished from the internet.
                                                   And of course, my favorite of Marling's
                                                        Laura Marling- New Romantic

                                and be sure to check out her website for a discography and news!