Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Sometimes when theres no sun outside your window, and all you see when you look out 
is a makeshift cigarette graveyard "balcony" in the dark, but you absolutely need some sunshine
8tracks  is there to help! 

Weezer - Island In The Sun

Hall And Oates

Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30th

Today I don't have much to say,
So I'll let this mildly lame yet hip inspirational picture do my talking


When safety pins are holding up the things, that made him yours. 
Some times rap just isn't right for the day.
I miss The Kooks
Can't wait to see them at bonnaroo along with a billion other greats.

I guess you should also check out this play list on 8tracks.com

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Crap DJ's Getting Paid

I won't lie, I'm not one to go to school events often
So last week when I finally attended a club organized dance party
in celebration of 4/20, my already low hopes were dashed. 
I don't know who thought paying some one $300
(never mind any amount of money) 
to play the top 40 from two summers ago was okay

So cocky as I may sound, I've decided I'm going to DJ every party I attend
and the music won't suck

In recognition of relatively new music that isn't god awful
 check out these tracks 
some of which I would play if I were in charge of a far less lame party at this mildly lame school

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Peezus Christ: Super Star 

So Peezus Christ is the best friend of female rapper, and my recent obsession Iggy Azalea
And like any wonderful best friend, she posts tons of fabulous pictures of her and Iggy on her Instagram, which is more than worth checking out for all you smart phone havers. 
However, while this self-prclaimed entrepenegro (lol love it) isn't too busy being gorgeous, she's singing this od catchy song


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rule 34

It's everywhere. 
On your television...
In your home...
In your books, 
Your beds,
Your dreams

Your minds...


Obviously right? 
And being on a college campus, and a particularly liberal one at that, 
sex is everywhere.
Oh I mean every where, 
but there are some perks lazy, broke college students
Some one is bound to take care of your responsibilities, such as protection and mood music 

#purchase problems... my condoms are too artsy

Some lovely RA put these condoms on a bulletin board for all to take

Sexual Intercourse play list

Monday, March 26, 2012

Iggy pops the gender bubble

Today the internet lit up with Australian female rap sensation 
Personally, I'm obsessed
She released her new single on Youtube this morning, featuring T.I. 
However, this 21 year old knows a thing or two about going viral because she also sat for an interview with complex magazine today
While Youtube can give you a decent fix of Iggy Azalea track, she has recently signed with Interscope Records, so with baited breath we can wait for more. 

More importantly though I wonder when the Iggy, Nicki, Lil' Kim war will start. 

of course the vulgar one is my favorite 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Katy Gone Cray

She's done it again, stolen my heart that is. 
Katy Perry covered Kanye and Jay-Z's song Niggas In Paris Monday 

how could you say this is anything but adorable? 

Might I add by the way she is hilarious

and "@FabulousBitch_" spent the rest of her night responding to angry KP fans 

So while the rest of the world is gonna sit up there and talk about how she butchered it, I'm going to say she killed it. 

In a good way.
In the best possible way, I loved it... but hey I mean I'm not one to complain about doing covers of rap songs...