Monday, March 26, 2012

Iggy pops the gender bubble

Today the internet lit up with Australian female rap sensation 
Personally, I'm obsessed
She released her new single on Youtube this morning, featuring T.I. 
However, this 21 year old knows a thing or two about going viral because she also sat for an interview with complex magazine today
While Youtube can give you a decent fix of Iggy Azalea track, she has recently signed with Interscope Records, so with baited breath we can wait for more. 

More importantly though I wonder when the Iggy, Nicki, Lil' Kim war will start. 

of course the vulgar one is my favorite 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Katy Gone Cray

She's done it again, stolen my heart that is. 
Katy Perry covered Kanye and Jay-Z's song Niggas In Paris Monday 

how could you say this is anything but adorable? 

Might I add by the way she is hilarious

and "@FabulousBitch_" spent the rest of her night responding to angry KP fans 

So while the rest of the world is gonna sit up there and talk about how she butchered it, I'm going to say she killed it. 

In a good way.
In the best possible way, I loved it... but hey I mean I'm not one to complain about doing covers of rap songs... 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Project Soundtrack

So it's no secret, Project X is the hottest movie of the moment, since its release 12 days ago the movie has grossed almost $50 million at the box office, but what about the music behind the most epic party movie of our generation? There are about 50 song assosciated with the movie, while only 13 are listed on the official sountrack so isnt it lucky (since I swear by 8 tracks) that someone has already put together a bunch of the songs for our listening pleasure of course.

here'e one thats off the official soundtrack

Pretty Lights and Eye Flowers

Last Friday a really good friend of mine visited who I havnt seen in forever
and of course she got me hooked on the band pretty lights
particularly, this song

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mashing it up

We've all been there before, you just want some background noise while you're all up in your bed with who ever is also up in your bed, so naturally you turn on your iTunes and hope for the best.  
Things are heating up pretty fast, and the music seems to flawlessly match up to every move you're making when

 Suddenly it happens.
 The worst possible song for having someone all up in your bed has just begun blasting on your laptop    

(which is just barely out of reach we might add)              
 and its most likely something like this:

 and your left stunned in an awkward HIT ME BABY PLEASE WITH A TRUCK ONE MORE TIME, GOOD GOD kind of moment, praying that the song will end before the other person notices.
When will it end?!

  Well, fellow idiots too stupid to make a "someone is all up in this bed" playlist
and it's called and it's this wonderful website where users create playlists based on moods, plans, genres... pretty much anything and you get to listen to them, pretty much ad free (you can only skip 2 songs per playlist though).

This week were obsessed with 8tracks mixer em_h14, he has some pretty nasty tracks but personally I'm really into the "Hip Hop Vs The World" series he's been doing, particularly part II (which you can listen to by clicking).  Here's a little taste of what's in store when you listen to Hip Hop vs The World II

    Sweet Home Country Grammar
      Lynard Skynard/Nelly Mash Up

No Karma Jadiohead